A few words about

What We Do

Our Interests

We pride ourselves of UN SDGs number 4 (Quality Education), 5 (Gender Equality) and 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions).

We believe that when people have the right quality education and the freedom to express themselves, they stand better chances to foster the development of their community. They become aware of gender disparities and address them, thereby building a community that resides on peace and justice that enforces strong situations which protect human rights of the community members.

What we do
(SDG4) Education

Promote knowledge-sharing by providing career advice and orientation to young people in and out of school, link them to scholarship opportunities, establish a divisional central library that connects schools together.

In addition, we are working to set up a multipurpose centre that will house information and technology centres, community radio, local journal, community libraries which will all aid our research and dissemination of the fruit of such research for the benefit of the community.

Encourage youth entrepreneurship through the organisation of small scale free trainings during which we train participants on business management, setting up and running small businesses, financial education and money management, legal and administrative demands of setting up businesses in Cameroon, etc.

(SDG5) Gender Awareness

We engage in the promotion of gender equality, denounce sexual and youth exploitation and gender-based violence (SGBV) in the strongest terms;

We are keen in the promotion of peace, human rights and dignity.

We celebrate cultural diversity in Cameroon, Africa and beyond through community games and the organisation of cultural events.


We believe that a society where individuals feel free to speak up, have the free will to start initiatives of progress and the rights to feel comfortable with how they intend to be seen, has the probability to rapid and sustainable development.

For this reason, we promote good governance, democracy, peace building, civic engagement, decency and dignity among the youths.

We do this through radio programmes where we educate the public, training programmes and seminars.

Leadership and collective responsibility

We promote youths’ efforts in climate change actions and women’s sustainable use of natural resoureces in their agricultural endeavours.

We do this through the provision of needful scientific information which they require. This is mostly through frequent workshops, funding sources for their projects and the organisation of capacity building seminars at strategic times of the year to enhance rural women’s technical-know-how.

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